Health and Safety Policy

Coach Centered Limited is committed to providing a safe working, coaching, teaching and learning environment for all personnel, learners and any related third parties.

The Head of Centre is responsible for ensuring that this policy is published, implemented and accessible to all personnel, learners and any relevant third parties. The Head of Centre will also ensure that all personnel have read and understood this policy and that any amendments to the policy are communicated to relevant parties.

Learners should be made aware of this policy at the start of their course/programme and the policy should be easily accessible (website, intranet, booklets).


All learners, personnel and third parties have a responsibility to prevent any accidents or injuries taking place. This is a legal responsibility under Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Coach Centered Limited aims to promote health and safety in the workplace and learning environment by*:

  • providing and maintaining safe equipment and environment, including a means of access in a condition that is safe and without risk to health.

  • ensuring sufficient first aid cover is available during courses/programmes.

  • implementing regular emergency and evacuation procedures in case of a significant incident.

  • providing information on escape routes and emergency exits in case of a fire

  • providing signage or information on the identification or location of fire-fighting equipment

  • protecting the health and safety and welfare of individuals/vulnerable learners via systematic risk management.

  • engaging with learners, personnel and any related third parties, to provide relevant information, instruction, training and supervision, as is necessary to ensure health and safety.

  • providing adequate training and allocating appropriately qualified members of personnel to identify and control potentially hazardous situations/environments.

  • having employer liability and indemnity insurance, which covers staff, learners and third parties.

*This list is not exhaustive but represents the general principles followed in respect of health and safety.

Risk assessment procedure

Risk Assessments will be carried out for all relevant activities/venues by following the procedure below:

The Designated Health and Safety Officer will carry out the risk assessment.

Risks identified are recorded onto the Risk Assessment Record and made available to relevant staff.

Controls put in place to minimise the identified risks.

Risk Assessment Records to be kept for a minimum of two years.

First aid procedure

All designated first aiders are appropriately qualified. Therefore, one of the first-aiders listed above must be contacted in the event of an incident occurring, to administer any first aid required. It is important that all issues where a first-aider has been involved are recorded in the necessary incident logbook(s) which accompany the first-aid box(es).

It is the responsibility of the tutor/assessor to make learners aware of whom their nominated first-aiders are and where they can be found (they are required to be on site at the time of a course/programme taking place).

All accidents/ incidents will be recorded on an Accident Report Form which should be sent to the Designated Health and Safety Officer who will decide whether further action needs to be taken and whether a report under RIDDOR2 is required.