Inspiring Behaviour Change

At Coach Centered Limited, we understand that developing people is one of the most important investments a business can make. We partner with individuals and organisations to deliver targeted programmes to bridge skill gaps and transform behaviours in securing higher performance levels and accelerating business goals.  

Why choose us?

  • You need a partner to help you identify the skills and behaviours that accelerate business goals.

    We focus on delivering targeted programmes to specifically address these development needs

  • You need a partner to develop lasting skills, we deliver learning-based experiences.

    We will equip your team with the skills to deliver continually improving and permanent change.

  • You need a partner who creates positive and impactful learning experiences.

    We create supportive and safe environments that are fun, memorable, and both physically and intellectually rewarding.

  • You need a partner who enables teams to see beyond their current reality, taking them from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset .

    We will help you set higher standards for what is possible. Promoting creativity by fostering a safe space in which teams are prepared to experiment, learn, and grow.

  • You need a partner that ensures every pound you spend is returned many times over with the value you seek.

    Our cost-effective coaching and training programmes deliver a return on investment.

Who we coach

Corporate / Business / School Leaders

  • Corporate/Business Leaders;
    School Leaders

    • 3 Day Programme

    • 1 Day Programme

    • Bespoke model

  • Unlock dynamic coaching skills with our gamified learning course. Pivot away from traditional methodologies to a more engaging game-based model to generate powerful learning moments and elevate the theory and practice of coaching within business. We bridge the performance environment of sport to the business context, building high performing individuals and teams through our creative problem-solving approach.

Professional Development

  • Corporate/Business Leaders;
    School Leaders

    • 1 to 1 Performance Coaching

    • Team Coaching

  • Elevate your professional practice and gain a competitive edge with our tailored professional development approach. We prioritize workforce skills, bridging performance gaps through a coaching culture. Our programs empower individuals and teams to understand their strengths, areas for growth, and take intentional steps toward improvement.

Coach Development

    • 1 to 1 Sports coaches

    • Coaching teams

    • Clubs / School / Constituent Bodies

    • 1 to 1 Coach Mentoring

    • Coaching Assistant Course

    • CPD Courses / workshops

    • Online webinars

    • Conferences

  • Elevate your coaching practice with our high-quality programmes, fostering deep engagement, and learning to elevate competence. Gain enhanced coach and player retention through our dynamic, experiential and reflective learning content to support continual personal growth. Our supportive environment ensures coaches thrive both personally and professionally.